Thursday 26 April 2018

Great Barrie Reef Tour Package Information

Sunset Safaris with their amazing Great Barrier Reef packages have bought some incredible ways top witness the underwater garden’s beauty of Great Barrier Reef. Their 3-day Great Barrier Reef Tour is solely dedicated to take you around the mesmerizing reefs and other interesting places around, the combined packages that include Fraser Island and Moreton Island as well offer a complete opportunity of making the most of your vacations by visiting all the three great places together. 
Right from accommodation to travelling around, enjoying activities and engaging in some very exciting free stuff; you will be just amused with all the fun involved in the tours.
Be it snorkelling or scuba diving at reefs or canoeing your glass bottom boat tour, Sunset Safaris provide great ways of enjoying the company of reefs. All the gears for snorkelling and scuba diving are provided by Sunset Safaris. For colder months even wet-suits and see-through boards are available. The underwater tours are safe and guided, and can be enjoyed even by the beginners. 

Apart from reef activities, the Great Barrier Reef Tours includes Aussie Zoo Visit, Mon Repos Turtle Encounter band Whale Watching, Coral Cay walk and  stopping at Mamminos for savouring the flavours of homemade ice-cream. All this is absolutely free and included in the package.
At Mon Repos, the turtle breeding season starts from November and extends to March. The nesting turtle lay eggs, which hatch in the months of February and March. This is one of the best experiences to enjoy as the encounter will bring you very close to nature. Waving off the hatchlings to see could be moment worth cherish for rest of the life.

Similarly Whale watching is a seasonal activity and begins from June and ends in November. The warm tropical waters are perfect for young calves to play around, while the adults play love songs to attract the female whales. Tail-slapping, eye-hopping and acrobats are some of the activities exhibited by humpback back whales that make this activity more engaging and interesting. 

At Aussie Zoo, you will be hugging koala, making friend with kangaroos, and will watch the most famous Croc feeding show. 

Coral Cay walk at Lady Musgrave Island will be one of the finest experience. Get off your boat and lay your foot on the coral cay to enjoy the surrounding beauty and exotic flora and fauna of the island.

With all this and more Sunset Safaris make the perfect host for your vacations.
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