Monday 7 May 2018

The Coral Cay Fun and A Lot More- Great Barrier Reef Tours

When it comes to holidaying, there are so many spots to discover and explore. Out of so many Great Barrier Reef Tours should be, or rather must be on your travelling planner. Why? Check it out here-
·         The only most gorgeous natural marvel that can be seen from the outer space as well is none other than the Great Barrier Reef system. It is the largest reef system comprised of so many beautiful and colourful corals and also supports a wide range of marine bio-diversity. The beauty is just breathtaking.

·         The marine beauty can be witness intimately with Sunset Safaris for they provide great underwater tours and one can enjoy a number of guided activities at reefs. Sunset Safaris are the leading tour organizers in the region and offer amazing Great Barrier Reef Tours

Great Barrier Underwater Tours offered by Sunset Safaris include
·         Snorkelling- This is for sure the best way of exploring the colourful plethora. Go near the coral, watch them and get beauty-smitten- snorkelling gives excellent opportunity of knowing the reefs closely. All the gears are provided by Sunset Safaris.

·         Scuba-diving- If you have not tried it till yet, try it now at Great Barrier Reef. Undeniably you would fall in love with the underwater world and with the activity too.

·         Deep sea-fishing-  Catch a big one and savour its flavours. With Sunset Safaris of course you can take your harvest to the resort and get it cooked in delicious flavours.  

·         Semi-Submersible Submarines- if you want to stay out of the water and still enjoy to the most go for semi-submersible submarine tour. You get to see fish feeding frenzy and reefs closely but without getting wet.

·         Another way to explore reefs includes glass bottom boat tours.

Sunset Safaris Free Perks-
Mon Repos Live Turtle Encounter- From November to February when turtle breeding season is in full swing you can witness the live process at Mon Repos.

Whaling Tours- June to November is marked as Whaling season at the calendar and so should you mark it as your vacation time so that you can see the mighty humpback whales and dwarf-minke whales.

Aussie Zoo Access is another free perk.

Coral Cay Experience-   The Coral Cay experience is one of its own kind experience. Get off your boat and enjoy the exotic scenery at Elizabeth Island- the true coral cay with exotic flora and fauna.
For more details visit


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