Wednesday 20 February 2019

Go Turtle-Y At Great Barrier Reef - Where Can You View These Marine Creatures

Turtles! Aren’t they one of the most loved marine creatures in the world? Witnessing them and their life is a different experience altogether. The world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, Great Barrier Reef, is the right place to be in if you want to be around the sea turtles and know all about them.

It is mainly known for the Green and Loggerhead Turtles who make their way to the Great Barrier Reef every year during their migratory season. The Green turtles are huge who weigh over 300 kilograms and can lay around 200 eggs at a time. Just imagine what sight will it be when the little ones hatch and start crawling towards the sea they call home! The Great Barrier Reef tours are filled with such amazing surprises!

On the other hand, the Loggerhead turtles are comparatively smaller who wash ashore and lay their eggs on the same beach they were born on. Isn’t that amazing? Such little guys with such astounding memories!

So, on which beaches do these turtles nest and give birth to their tiny ones?

Great Keppel Island and the islands around it are the breeding areas for the turtles, mainly the Flatback flippers. It is one of the best spots to view turtles and if you visit here, your Great Barrier Reef Holidays are surely going to be worth it. While you’re at Great Keppel, you can also snorkel at the reefs and enjoy being at the beautiful beaches on the island.

Heron Island is a paradise for the Green and Loggerhead turtles. The moment you walk off the beach, you’ll be right in the reefs, that’s how this island has kept the turtles captivated. Moreover, there are a number of scuba diving sites that will give you the opportunity to swim along with the turtles. To make the most of this enigmatic experience, you can go scuba diving ticking off the activity from your Great Barrier Reef packages.

Not only that, the turtle nests are found right on the beach during their nesting season, from November to January. During this period, you can see them without getting into the waters.
Lady Musgrave Island and the lagoon near it are home to a myriad of marine animals starting from fishes, manta rays to turtles, corals and many more. There are huge rookeries of both the Green and Loggerhead turtles. These sea turtles add a lot of importance to the ecosystem on this island. Sunset Safaris’ Great Barrier Reef holidays packages include a trip to this island wherein you can go camping as well as enjoy watching the turtles all you want.
Lady Elliot Island, one of the best dive sites in Australia is known for its picturesque beauty. 

The sunrise and sunset from this point look so beautiful; you won’t be able to resist getting your camera to work. The island is like a little sanctuary for our flipper friends and hence, is one of the best places for turtle viewing. Never miss out on visiting the Lady Elliot Island if you’re on a Great Barrier Reef Vacation.

How would you feel if you could see tiny flipper friends making their way into the world for the first time and marathoning into the waters? Mon Repos is the right place for you if you want to view this life-changing sight. More than half of the Loggerhead turtles wash ashore at Mon Repos to lay their eggs. So, you can see a lot of turtles if you visit here. The Sunset Safaris’ Great Barrier Reef holidays packages take you to Mon Repos and during the turtle nesting season, you’ll be able to enjoy the wondrous view of watching these marine creatures.

During the hatching season, mostly in the month of February, when the little ones hatch and make their way back into the ocean, it is nothing less than a magical sight.

The Mon Repos Turtle Conservation Centre, open all year round, is also a worth visiting place. All the information regarding the turtles can be found here. If you choose Sunset Safaris, its Great Barrier Reef tour packages, will allow you to take advantage of both turtle viewing and the conservation centre.

 To experience a “fin noggin” moment, the Great Barrier Reef is the ultimate place. The reef is filled with huge and tiny flippers. It makes for one of the most ultimate Australian adventure tours.

To know the details and book Queensland Great Barrier Reef Tours visit 


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