Tuesday 12 March 2019

How To Travel Responsibly On Great Barrier Reef

Do you want to swim in a seascape and experience Nemo’s life up close? Great Barrier Reef is one of the greatest bucket-list-worthy destinations to see such wonders underwater. However, amidst terrible human and environmental pressures, the reef’s losing its life gradually. Large parts of the reef have been victimized to bleaching leading to the death of hard and soft corals.

Hence, it is our duty to become a part of safe and responsible Great Barrier Reef tours to keep the largest living structure in the world alive and kicking. Wouldn’t you love if you could make a valuable contribution towards keeping your natural environments in their natural state? I’m sure it’s a yes!

So, let’s look at some of the ways in which you can travel responsibly on the reef:

You will certainly want to snorkel and scuba dive in and around the reef and let your eyes marvel at the sight of the colourful corals and the plethora of marine life. You can do all the snorkelling in a sustainable manner and revel in the beauty of the water world. Spot the green and Loggerhead turtles as they swim past you. A Great Barrier Reef vacation is all about going turtley!

There are different travel partners who will help you with the sustainable touring underwater through their eco-friendly Great Barrier Reef Vacation Packages. Look for them!

If you want you can visit a research facility based in the Heron Island where you will get all the useful information about the ecosystem on the reef and the research staff will provide you with an insight into their work. That’ll be a totally informative and educative experience you’ll cherish!

Who doesn’t love an accommodation facility that puts the environment first on the list without compromising on its guests’ holidaying experience? There are hotels, like the one on Lizard Island, which helps to maintain the delicate between the reef’s life and the holidayers travel experience. Choose one of these eco-luxury stays to make sure your Great Barrier Reef holidays add value to nature.

Do you know what’s the best thing you can do at the world’s largest coral reef to keep its beauty intact? Do not litter. Whatever rubbish you have, dispose it off responsibly and make sure you pick up all the debris from the beaches and waterways. The #StopPlasticPollution works in favour of #SaveTheReef. You can be an active participant in these movements.

The Great Barrier Reef Packages have a lot of fun activities in store for you. But what you need to remember is maintain a safe distance from the marine life and corals while you’re admiring them. You touching them won’t go down well with nature.

If you’re out there to do some fishing, make sure you respect the boundaries and strictly follow the zoning rules. Never go into the green zones as they’re the locations which play a significant role in maintaining the rich biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef.

Even when you get back home, you can save the reef’s ecosystem by letting the word out. Bring people together and do all you can to lay a path towards positive change. Let “saving Mother Nature” be a global cause and “leaving light footprints on the planet” be its motto!

For more details about Great Barrier Reef Holidays just move on www.sunsetsafaris.com.au


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