Tuesday 30 July 2019

Australia Best Great Barrier Reef Holidays Packages

If you sleep and have a dream about a magical place it will not be as colourful and as magical as the underwater park of the Great Barrier Reefs. Known as the largest coral reef system in the world this is one of the most exotic holiday destinations. Not only that it also supports a huge variety of marine plants and animals who have a lot of importance to the human life. This is the reason why it was selected as a World Heritage Site in the year 1981. There are a lot of facts about this reef system you should know if you are planning a trip and that would help you to connect with the place once you reach. The reef structure is the largest living structure in the world as it is made up of billions of tiny living organism known as coral polyps. CNN has labelled it as one of the seven natural wonders of the world which says a lot about the place and why it is visited by millions of people across the globe.

Great Barrier Reef Holidays has been named as the state icon of Queensland and is protected by the GBR marine park to limit the impact of human use. So when you choose a tour operator make sure that they are eco-friendly apart from giving you the best possible tour package to make your vacation a memorable one. Those who opt for Sunset Safaris know that they are with the best as this company is recommended by trip advisor and also by thousands of happy clients. You can opt for their 3 day tour or a more comprehensive 5 or 6 days eco tour which is combined with a visit to Fraser Island. The tourists can get picked up from Brisbane, Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast and with all food and accommodation being taken care of you are no doubt opting for the very best.

There will be a lot of free stuff with your Great Barrier Reef Tours package which will include whale watching experience which is possible from June to November, live turtle encounter from November to March and even if it’s not the season you can still visit the turtle conservation centre in Mon Repos and learn about the life cycle and breeding of these magnificent creatures. Along with this you get free entry to an Australian animal zoo where you can hand feed kangaroos, cuddle a koala, hold a crocodile, watch croc feeding and see world’s most venomous snake show. The tourists are also taken for a free guided snorkel school and fish feeding tour and a guided coral cay walk in Lady Musgrave Island, one of the most beautiful coral cays in this region.

You will be taken for a full day ride in one of the most luxurious boats in GBR and see this amazing place which is one of a kind. For swimming and snorkelling the guests are taken to a sting free zone and all the gear and body suits are provided for by the company. You can go under water to see the magical water world with its colourful corals, reef fishes, turtles and dolphins. Those who are ready to explore more can opt for scuba diving and deep sea fishing for which you might have to pay some extra money. For people who are not able to go down for some reason there are transparent kayaks from where you can see all the beauty and activities of the water park. Tourists also choose some optional activities like tennis and going to the rum factory in Bundaberg among others.

With a carefully planned itinerary, professional tour guides and a friendly ambience you are sure to have a fantastic time in this part of the globe.

For more details about Great Barrier Reef Vacation just move on www.sunsetsafaris.com.au


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