Monday 15 July 2019

Best of the Fraser Island Tour to the Great Sandy National Park

A part of the Great Sandy National Park; Fraser Island is a place of amazing beauty and a place that is significant for the complex biodiversity and geological process. Nowhere else will you find sandy beaches, sand cliffs, magnificent sand dunes, rainforests growing on low nutrient sands and perched lakes of different hues. Apart from the sea which is great for swimming the lakes also look alluring with its clear blue water. Swimming in the lakes close to the sand dunes can be really exciting as you can climb up and slide down right into the pool. This sandy island is a world heritage listed site and one of the most coveted destinations in Australia. The entire island looks like a natural paradise where one can forget all his worries, have some fun filled time and fill connected with nature.

Being a much sought after destination Fraser Island Tourism caters to the need of domestic as well as foreign visitors and there are lots of tour companies who offer package tours which can be booked online. As long as you are thinking of buying a package for yourself or for a group then you can check out the tour packages offered by Sunset Safaris the most popular tour operators in the Queensland area. They operate from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Noosa where you drive along the coast. The tour company has extremely comfortable coaches with huge picture windows and forward facing seats from where it’s easy to see the scenic beauty and take pictures and videos for a keepsake. Depending on your time frame you can go for a 2 day Eco tour or a more comprehensive 3 day one.

Fraser Island Tour comes alive with the guides narrating about the history of the island and how it came to be named after a shipwreck victim Eliza Fraser who happened to be the captain’s wife of the ill-fated ship. On your way to Fraser Island the tourists are taken to the Cooloola National Park which comes as a free add on. In this park you will be visiting the colourful Rainbow Beach, Teewah Beach, Double Island Point and get a chance to see wild kangaroos in their natural habitat. Apart from the animals in the land you will be able to see the marine animals swimming close to the shore from the Double Island Point in Cooloola and also from the Indian Head in the Fraser Island.

Some of the major tour attractions include Eli’s Creek, Yidney’s Dripping Rock, Cathedrals, Hammerstone Sandblow and the majestic Cathedrals. The 4WD drive along the 75 mile beach can be an enjoyable experience but the best part of the tour will be swimming in the sea, jumping into the lakes and splashing around in Eli’s Creek and in the Champagne Pools. Those who enjoy walking and trekking will not give a miss to the Pile Valley walk, venturing into the Central Station and walking along the Hammerstone Sandblows.

If the days are exciting with all these activities wait till it is dark. Don’t forget to watch the sunset when the sky takes on a different colour and the reflection of the sun rays on the still waters of the lake look mesmerising. Though beach parties, walking along the shore can be enjoyable in the evening don’t miss out on visiting the Maheno shipwreck site in the dark. The tourists are taken in the transparent kayaks where they can see the water park as the underwater lights lit up the area. Though this is not a free tour the company charges very nominal amount which is well affordable. So book your Fraser Island adventure tour of this people’s choice company and enjoy each and every moment of your visit to this island paradise.

For more details about Fraser Island Tours just move on


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