Wednesday 24 July 2019

Sunset Safaris Moreton Island Adventures Tours Packages

Moreton islands in Australia is one of the finest a place for vacation and though you can stay there to enjoy the natural beauty for days together; you can also take a day tour and come back to Brisbane. Known as the Gem of Southeast Queensland this sandy island is the third-largest in the world and along with Fraser Island they become the largest sand structure in the world. A long stretch of sandy beaches, high sand dunes, rainforests, and an amazing waterpark make it a place which is great for those looking for fun, excitement and some me’ time. Being in the city limits of Brisbane this is highly accessible and most of those staying in the city use it as a weekend gate away.

Most of the people coming from outside look forward to getting Moreton Island Tours Package which would be inclusive and one that would give them a lot of free time to enjoy the scenic beauty and indulge in activities like swimming, snorkeling, sand tobogganing, and 4WDS. Though there are numerous tour operators who offer travel and adventure packages you can try Sunset Safaris for the best possible deal. The two days get wrecked explorer tour is the best possible one to take as you will get a chance to see the Tangalooma shipwrecks in the dark which was initiated by this tour company. The visitors can get picked up from the pre given points and the journey to the island starts with a ferry ride across the beautiful Moreton Bay. The ferry is totally air-conditioned and with a well-stocked bar and a cafĂ© it’s a ride that is extremely enjoyable.

Moreton Island Tours has the most amazing water park and the guests are taken to the Tangalooma shipwreck site for snorkeling. All the snorkeling gear, safety vests, and wet suits are provided by the company and the experienced guides will take you down to see the colorful corals, reef fishes of all size and shapes, giant turtles and experience a kind of silence which is very different and can be felt. Those who are not too comfortable with this can go in the transparent kayaks and enjoy the underwater activities. The night kayaking is something you shouldn’t miss. With underwater lights lighting up the kayaks the tourists see the same site with a different perspective. Coming to the other attractions on the island there is Mt Tempest, the tallest sand dune which is great for sand tobogganing, the Cape Moreton lighthouse from where you can see a lot of marine animals like a shark, manta rays, dolphins and many other marine animals swimming close to the shore.

Sunset Safari tour buses take the tourists for 4WD along the beach and you cannot but swim in the cool bubbling waters of the champagne pools. A wonderfully laid out picnic lunch is arranged on the beach and it can be enjoyed with your new-found friends. The visitors stay in the Castaway beach resort and you can take your pick from budget backpacker accommodation, take a beach house unit or go for eco glamping. The last one is a novel concept where you get to stay in a tent with all the comforts of a hotel room. You can enjoy the campfire before heading back to the mainland. But whether you opt for a day tour or the two-day tour you are sure to enjoy it with the excellent service of Sunset Safaris.


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