Thursday 19 July 2018

Around The Reef Waters With Sunset Safaris

The Great Barrier Reef are most of the times major attarctions and attract a lot of toursits round the year. However, the Queensland coast is dotted with marvellous islands, which are to known nonpareil beauty and idyllic atmosphere and one such island is Lady Musgrave Island.
  • Lady Musgrave Island is the second largest island in the chain of Great Barrier Reef Tours Islands. The Australian Aboriginals called it Wallaginji, which means beautiful reef.
  • It is a true coral cay, which is an island formed by reef sediments. In its younger age, the island may lack vegetation and with the time it becomes partially lithified and is covered with vegetation.
  • The island is the only shingle (mass of small rounded pebbles) cay, and also has a beach rock.
  • The island is adorned with a small pond of brackish water.
  • This coral cay is located on the southern end of a large lagoon and the lagoon can be entered via a deep water channel. The channel in itself holds a debatable history as many believe it is natural occurring phenomenon and for others the guano miners legend hold true.
  • This island nurtures Pisonia Trees and is home to some of the exotic bird species. In fact it is a paradise for bird-watchers as here they can locate a number of rare and unseen species. The area also plays a host to migratory birds in months of December to May and is also nesting place for green and loggerhead turtles.

Explore this island within Great Barrier Reef Pacakage offered by Sunset Safaris. This package is specially desingned for those who want to enjoy adventure in the lap of the nature.

Sunset Safaris are known hosts when it comes to travelling across Queensland. They offer ultimate and budget-friendly packages and leave no stone unturned in making your holidays special. In their Great Barrier Reef tours they not just let you explore the gorgeous reefs under the ocean but also take you around and let you admire the beauty of island nearby. 

Snorkelling, scuba diving, glass bottom boat tours, whale watching, and visit to Mon Repos round the year are some of the best things offered by Sunset Safaris in their packages. And not to forget, June to November is Whaling Season at Reefs.

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head towards Great Barrier Reef for a memorable trip to paradise on earth.


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