Showing posts with label Great Barrier Reef Tour from Brisbane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Barrier Reef Tour from Brisbane. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Whaling Season At Peak

This time of the year is made more special by the might sea creatures- the whales. June to November is marked as whaling season in the Great Barrier Reef Region. The warm tropical waters play an incredible host to dwarf minke whales and humpback whales. The humpback whales are more juvenile in nature and can be seen playing around like kids in a park. Tail slapping, spy-hopping, singing are showing other fun activities is their favorite pass time at warm waters. If you are really fond of marine wildlife, then surely this is the best time of year.

However, exploring Great Barrier Reef is not that much simple and here you will know why?

Apart from whale watching, there are number of other activities that can be enjoyed at Great Barrier Reef and each activity lends altogether a different experience. Missing out on any activity means missing out a great adventure and also you may miss out the best way of getting close to the reefs. Surely the Great Barrier Reef holidays cannot be the one of those weekend trips. The reefs are special and so should be the experience or witnessing them. So what’s the best way of discovering the magic of Great Barrier Reef? There is only one answer to it- Choose the best touring operators in the region that is the Sunset Safaris and enjoy a fun-fuelled adventurous holidays at Great Barrier Reef. Sunset Safaris provide the best Great Barrier Reef Packages.

Sunset Safaris not only offer a whole day at reef waters in the most luxurious vessel in the region, so that you have enough time to admire marine wildlife, but also conduct guided underwater snorkeling and scuba-diving tours. Snorkeling and scuba diving at reef waters means visiting the underwater marine plethora designed by Coral Polyps. The gorgeous colorful reefs, accompanied by eye-grabbing reef fishes, tortoises, and other species in an ultimate experience.

In addition to underwater tours, they also conduct glass bottom boat tours for those who do not want to go down in the water. 

Great Barrier Reef Vacation

 Other Fun Great Barrier Reef Tours Activities and Sightseeing

With all the reef fun comes a golden opportunity to visit Mon Repos Turtle Conservation Centre at Bundaberg Region. This region comes to life from November to March, when the whole region is flocked by turtles to lay eggs. During off season, there is an exhibition on the life cycle of turtles.

Another magnificent experience is at Lady Musgrave Island, where get down and touch the true coral cay. It is also the place of nonpareil scenic beauty and exotic bird watching area.

So, now you know what should be your next destination and with whom!

Join Sunset Safaris and get more details Great Barrier Reef Vacation at

Thursday 19 July 2018

Around The Reef Waters With Sunset Safaris

The Great Barrier Reef are most of the times major attarctions and attract a lot of toursits round the year. However, the Queensland coast is dotted with marvellous islands, which are to known nonpareil beauty and idyllic atmosphere and one such island is Lady Musgrave Island.
  • Lady Musgrave Island is the second largest island in the chain of Great Barrier Reef Tours Islands. The Australian Aboriginals called it Wallaginji, which means beautiful reef.
  • It is a true coral cay, which is an island formed by reef sediments. In its younger age, the island may lack vegetation and with the time it becomes partially lithified and is covered with vegetation.
  • The island is the only shingle (mass of small rounded pebbles) cay, and also has a beach rock.
  • The island is adorned with a small pond of brackish water.
  • This coral cay is located on the southern end of a large lagoon and the lagoon can be entered via a deep water channel. The channel in itself holds a debatable history as many believe it is natural occurring phenomenon and for others the guano miners legend hold true.
  • This island nurtures Pisonia Trees and is home to some of the exotic bird species. In fact it is a paradise for bird-watchers as here they can locate a number of rare and unseen species. The area also plays a host to migratory birds in months of December to May and is also nesting place for green and loggerhead turtles.

Explore this island within Great Barrier Reef Pacakage offered by Sunset Safaris. This package is specially desingned for those who want to enjoy adventure in the lap of the nature.

Sunset Safaris are known hosts when it comes to travelling across Queensland. They offer ultimate and budget-friendly packages and leave no stone unturned in making your holidays special. In their Great Barrier Reef tours they not just let you explore the gorgeous reefs under the ocean but also take you around and let you admire the beauty of island nearby. 

Snorkelling, scuba diving, glass bottom boat tours, whale watching, and visit to Mon Repos round the year are some of the best things offered by Sunset Safaris in their packages. And not to forget, June to November is Whaling Season at Reefs.

What are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head towards Great Barrier Reef for a memorable trip to paradise on earth.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

The Best Ever 6 Adventures At Great Barrier Reef

Lying just off the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef are one of those marvels of nature that spell-binds you in the first mention. The World Heritage wonder is not just unique or phenomenal but allures to who so ever even take a glance at it. The work of coral polyps is just so adorable that nature has made it visible even from the outer space. Supporting diverse life forms, the reefs are one of the greatest and largest eco-system of the world. The experience at Great Barrier Reef can leave you awe-inspired and if you are really fond of adventure tour that also allows you to get close to nature, then Sunset Safaris’ Great Barrier Reef Tour is just the perfect one.

The thrill and adventure planned by Sunset Safaris allows you to explore the reefs in the best possible manner and at the same time keep your holidaying spirit high. Boredom and tiredness- you will forget that such things even exist. 

Great Barrier Reef Tour

Imbibing the best of the activities in their Great Barrier Reef Tour, Sunset Safaris make all the best arrangements for your Great Barrier Reef vacation.

Go snorkelling or scuba diving and witness the plethora of colourful reefs and its exotic flora and fauna, It is simply mesmerizing. The best part is that these underwater guided tours are safe and all the gears and equipments are provided by Sunset Safaris.

Next you have a full day on the reef waters that too in the most luxurious boat of the region. During the whaling season, you can catch the marvellous stunts played by the whales in the warm waters.

Get off your boat and explore the true Coral Cay walk at Lady Musgrave Island.

If you are fond of sea-turtles the visit the reef region during the turtle breeding season and witness the uncommon nesting of the sea turtles. Have a live encounter of breeding turtles at Mon Repos from November to March absolutely free!

Get free access to Aussie and Watch the Croc Feeding show, and cuddle a koala, with exhibition of most venomous snakes in the world.

Fish Feeding- Thousand of fishes swarm up to have their delights. Enjoy the activity and sight some unique fishes during the feeding.

So what are you waiting for?

Plan your trip only with Sunset Safaris to experience the best of Great Barrier Reef Holiday Tour Visit

Tuesday 23 January 2018

The Exotic Experience at the Great Barrier Reefs

Lying just off the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef are one of those marvels of nature that spell-binds you in the first mention. The World Heritage wonder is not just unique or phenomenal but allures to who so ever even take a glance at it. The work of coral polyps is just so adorable that nature has made it visible even from the outer space. Supporting diverse life forms, the reefs are one of the greatest and largest eco-system of the world. The experience at Great Barrier Reef can leave you awe-inspired and if you are really fond of adventure tour that also allows you to get close to nature, then Sunset Safaris’ Great Barrier Reef Tour is just the perfect one.

The thrill and adventure planned by Sunset Safaris allows you to explore the reefs in the best possible manner and at the same time keep your holidaying spirit high. Boredom and tiredness- you will forget that such things even exist.

Imbibing the best of the activities in their Great Barrier Reef Tour, Sunset Safaris make all the best arrangements for your Great Barrier Reef Vacation.

  • Go snorkelling or scuba diving and witness the plethora of colourful reefs and its exotic flora and fauna, It is simply mesmerizing. The best part is that these underwater guided tours are safe and all the gears and equipments are provided by Sunset Safaris.
  • Next you have a full day on the reef waters that too in the most luxurious boat of the region. During the whaling season, you can catch the marvellous stunts played by the whales in the warm waters.
  • Get off your boat and explore the true Coral Cay walk at Lady Musgrave Island.
  • If you are fond of sea-turtles the visit the reef region during the turtle breeding season and witness the uncommon nesting of the sea turtles. Have a live encounter of breeding turtles at Mon Repos from November to March absolutely free!
  • Get free access to Aussie and Watch the Croc Feeding show, and cuddle a koala, with exhibition of most venomous snakes in the world.
  • Fish Feeding - Thousand of fishes swarm up to have their delights. Enjoy the activity and sight some unique fishes during the feeding.
  • Deep Sea Reef Fishing (optional and extra cost) - Catch your own fish and savour its delicious taste back at resort.

So what are you waiting for?

Plan your trip only with Sunset Safaris to experience the best of Great Barrier Reef Holiday Tour.

Monday 15 January 2018

Great Barrier Reef - The Marvel in the Ocean

Nature undeniably holds some incredible treasure. Exploring these natural treasures not only brings us close to it but also allows us to rejuvenate our souls from deep within. Great Barrier Reef is one such marvel of nature that leaves in the awe of the of nature’s beauty. Lying just off the coast of Queensland, it is only living thing that can be seen from the outer space. Declared as a World Heritage Listed Site, Great Barrier Reef attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world. The colourful reefs and diversified reef species found at the reefs are not just beautiful but also make it one of the most colourful ecosystems. 
Sunset Safaris are just perfect partners if you are planning your next holiday to Great Barrier Reef. The most trusted and reliable tour operators in the region are just perfect in planning amazing Great Barrier Reef Holiday Tour. With them you can explore all best destinations present around the reefs and of course the reefs themselves. 

  • The reef activities include snorkelling, scuba diving, semi-submersible submarine tours, glass bottom boat tours, deep sea fishing, etc. All the tours are guided and gears and equipments for activities like snorkelling and sky diving are provided by Sunset Safaris. All you have to do is simply join Sunset Safaris and make your holidays more enjoyable and entertaining.

  • Along with the reef activities you can enjoy a true coral cay walk at Lady Musgrave Island and take some time off to appreciate the beauty of the exotic flora and fauna that comprise the landscape of the Lady Musgrave Island.

  • A free access to Mon Repos Conservation Centre is another entertaining activity included in the Great Barrier Reef Packages. During the period from November to March, when turtle breeding season is in full swing, access to this part of Bundaberg is a real treat.

  • Another free perk is visit to Aussie Zoo, where you can cuddle a koala; watch the most venomous snakes and the famous Croc feeding show. 
  • Apart from that during the whaling season, you get a full day at reef waters in the most luxurious vessel. Catch panoramic sight of the Pacific and hump - back whales and dwarf minke whales, playing in the warm waters. 
  • Not to forget is savouring the flavours of the handmade ice-cream at Mamminos and fresh sugarcane juice.

All in all you will have an amazing holiday at the reefs planned and organised by Sunset Safaris.